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Plexiglas displays for museums and art galleries

Plexiglas displays for museums and art galleries are the best solution to offer visitors information material during an exhibition, without resorting to permanent exhibition installations.

In fact, museums often exhibit itineraries and are set up temporarily: for this reason, transparent synthetic glass is preferable: being light it is therefore easy to move; it is unbreakable and robust; during movements and rearrangements there is no risk of damage is cheaper than glass (and this contains costs on large quantities).

Plexiglass exhibitors for museums and art galleries can be of different types: floor display, containing information on the works and finds in plexiglass for the display of works of art; counter displays, usable at the ticket office to show the price list.

Thanks to the high-precision laser cutting process, Diemme Display manufactures synthetic glass display stands for museum displays, even on large quantities and on specific customer designs.

Plexiglas displays for museums and art galleries

Plexiglas displays for museums and art galleries are the best solution to offer visitors information material during an exhibition, without resorting to permanent exhibition installations.

In fact, museums often exhibit itineraries and are set up temporarily: for this reason, transparent synthetic glass is preferable: being light it is therefore easy to move; it is unbreakable and robust; during movements and rearrangements there is no risk of damage is cheaper than glass (and this contains costs on large quantities).

Plexiglass exhibitors for museums and art galleries can be of different types: floor display, containing information on the works and finds in plexiglass for the display of works of art; counter displays, usable at the ticket office to show the price list.

Thanks to the high-precision laser cutting process, Diemme Display manufactures synthetic glass display stands for museum displays, even on large quantities and on specific customer designs.
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Diemme Display srl
sede operativa: via Staffora 8
sede legale: via Leopardi 2
20090 Opera (MI)
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