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Plexiglas displays worked with laser cutting technology

Why DIEMME DISPLAY uses laser cutting technology to process Plexiglas

The laser is currently one of the most used precision and cutting tools in the industry.

And this is because the laser in general guarantees the processing a very high precision in detail.

This characteristic leads to accurate and "clean" results, guaranteeing maximum satisfaction for the end customer.

With this technology, material is removed from a surface, creating a clear division.

The cutting line is computer designed and the laser follows this line by perfectly cutting the surface in two.

Plexiglas displays worked with laser cutting technology


Why DIEMME DISPLAY uses laser cutting technology to process Plexiglas

The laser is currently one of the most used precision and cutting tools in the industry.

And this is because the laser in general guarantees the processing a very high precision in detail.

This characteristic leads to accurate and "clean" results, guaranteeing maximum satisfaction for the end customer.

With this technology, material is removed from a surface, creating a clear division.

The cutting line is computer designed and the laser follows this line by perfectly cutting the surface in two.
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Diemme Display srl
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