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Display units for pastry shops

The window of a pastry shop has the task of revealing the product, the ingredients and making it clear how carefully it has been made.

The presentation of the products on display therefore requires the utmost care. It is like a photograph: an exposed dessert can be observed several times and by several people while the sight of a cake or plate served and eaten lasts the space of consumption.

The pastry shop window is a sweet window on the world. It is necessary to stimulate the creative vein, going outside the box and learning to present the creations in the most attractive way possible.

The showcase must be created, designed and managed certainly taking into account the context in which it operates and the period of the year, but it is also necessary to dare and break the mold in order not to risk going unnoticed.

Diemme Display has the solution for you: designs and manufactures different types of displays for your pastry shop window: backsplashes, ladders, cubes, small tables. And if there is not what you are looking for, no problem. We also create exhibitors to customer design.

Display units for pastry shops

The window of a pastry shop has the task of revealing the product, the ingredients and making it clear how carefully it has been made.

The presentation of the products on display therefore requires the utmost care. It is like a photograph: an exposed dessert can be observed several times and by several people while the sight of a cake or plate served and eaten lasts the space of consumption.

The pastry shop window is a sweet window on the world. It is necessary to stimulate the creative vein, going outside the box and learning to present the creations in the most attractive way possible.

The showcase must be created, designed and managed certainly taking into account the context in which it operates and the period of the year, but it is also necessary to dare and break the mold in order not to risk going unnoticed.

Diemme Display has the solution for you: designs and manufactures different types of displays for your pastry shop window: backsplashes, ladders, cubes, small tables. And if there is not what you are looking for, no problem. We also create exhibitors to customer design.
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Diemme Display srl
sede operativa: via Staffora 8
sede legale: via Leopardi 2
20090 Opera (MI)
p.iva 08540780965
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