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Plexiglas displays for large retailers

Plexiglas displays also offer large retailers several advantages in terms of versatility and design.

The large-scale distribution needs in fact continuous changes of the departments to present new products or for seasonal needs and the Plexiglas displays are easy to move and do not require masonry.

Diemme Display provides large-scale retail trade with a general contractor service for the supply of plexiglas displays in large quantities, which can also be made to customer design.

Diemme Display - promotional plastic supports for supermarkets, hypermarkets and megastores

Plexiglas displays for large retailers

Plexiglas displays also offer large retailers several advantages in terms of versatility and design.

The large-scale distribution needs in fact continuous changes of the departments to present new products or for seasonal needs and the Plexiglas displays are easy to move and do not require masonry.

Diemme Display provides large-scale retail trade with a general contractor service for the supply of plexiglas displays in large quantities, which can also be made to customer design.

Diemme Display - promotional plastic supports for supermarkets, hypermarkets and megastores
Diemme Display srl
sede operativa: via Staffora 8
sede legale: via Leopardi 2
20090 Opera (MI)
p.iva 08540780965
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