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Plexiglas spit and breath protection

Transparent protective screens for pharmacies, parapharmacies, restaurants

Plexiglass dividers for shops can help prevent the passage of pathogens inside the stores.

These bulkheads, which separate staff from users, are produced in transparent plexiglass and can be made to measure, in the desired dimensions and shapes. You can request a specific thickness both for the slab and for the pedestals.

These protective screens are particularly suitable for pharmacies and parapharmacies but are also very useful in all those shops where the sales staff comes to be in a close position with potentially infected customers, such as bakeries and grocery stores, restaurants, but also information and public offices.

Plexiglas spit and breath protection


Transparent protective screens for pharmacies, parapharmacies, restaurants

Plexiglass dividers for shops can help prevent the passage of pathogens inside the stores.

These bulkheads, which separate staff from users, are produced in transparent plexiglass and can be made to measure, in the desired dimensions and shapes. You can request a specific thickness both for the slab and for the pedestals.

These protective screens are particularly suitable for pharmacies and parapharmacies but are also very useful in all those shops where the sales staff comes to be in a close position with potentially infected customers, such as bakeries and grocery stores, restaurants, but also information and public offices.
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