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Plexiglass displays for sales points

Communicate successfully within a store

In stores, attention to detail and the search for customer attention to products is increasingly strategic.

The modern retail trade requires investments which, in order to pay off, require a constant and continuously increasing sales profile.

Consequently, in the store, the set-up must be taken care of in such a way as to push the customer to purchase.

Advertising exhibitors therefore have the role of communicating visual and textual information to the customer by providing them with informative material (catalogs, brochures, brochures) and anything else that can encourage the purchase.

Plexiglass displays for sales points

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Communicate successfully within a store

In stores, attention to detail and the search for customer attention to products is increasingly strategic.

The modern retail trade requires investments which, in order to pay off, require a constant and continuously increasing sales profile.

Consequently, in the store, the set-up must be taken care of in such a way as to push the customer to purchase.

Advertising exhibitors therefore have the role of communicating visual and textual information to the customer by providing them with informative material (catalogs, brochures, brochures) and anything else that can encourage the purchase.
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Diemme Display srl
sede operativa: via Staffora 8
sede legale: via Leopardi 2
20090 Opera (MI)
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